Thursday, May 22, 2008

American Idol Recap: David Cook Completes His Journey

David Cook is the new American Idol. (FOX)

The two Davids face each other in all white in the first shot of the show. It's like a really angelic version of "Face Off." How are they not cracking up when Ryan refers to the competition as reaching "critical mass?"

Aww...Ryan gets to make his "grand entrance" down the staircase just like a deb at her coming out.

See an American Idol slideshow featuring photos of all the singers.

The audience shots include Holly Robinson Peete and Lori Loughlin. That's the best they could come up with?

Whoa... 97.5 million votes: One David got 56 percent, the other 44 percent. Hmm... what could it mean? I have no idea.

Who is Mikahlah Gordon? Why is she acting like a porn star in Kansas City?

Matt Rogers is muffled by thousands of blonde Archuleta fans in Salt Lake City.

The Top 12 are back... singing "Get Ready, Cuz Here I Come," and are also in white, like a big Brady Bunch special! They are backed up by what I'm sure is a gaggle of "So You Think You Can Dance" peeps.

They all sound fantastic and have a lot of energy... but look at Archie all out of sync. Nervous, you think? Very nice Top 12... even you, Amanda.

David Cook starts singing in a darker outfit and Archie joins him to perform "Hero," and their harmony is wicked! How the hell do they have time to rehearse this all?

Hold the phone, I forgot to say that the camera just flashed to Janice "Plastic-more-than-flesh" Dickinson. Yikes!

These two singing together sound perfect. Why can't they both win? Never mind, I still am all about Cook!

Ugh, Fox is pimping "The Love Guru," which looks so lame. I love you Mike Meyers, but this is beyond ridic. The Davids actually go to the set and meet "Guru Pitka" who is just creepy looking Mike Meyers in his guru getup. It's painfully unfunny. BOO product placement! OMG, they actually bring him onstage. His "chant" is actually "Mariska Hargitay"... you know, Benson from "Law & Order: SVU."

Syesha is back! She looks so hot! Go girl! She's singing with Seal! OMG, this is a match made in heaven. How stoked is she right now!? The do a nice job together, but they're making Syesha sing too low. And seriously, what's up with the white? Is that normal during the finale show?

Jason is singing "Hallelujah" which was by far his best performance earlier this year.

Thank God, my grilled cheese just arrived... I'm starving.

Oh look, one more Ford commercial for the road. Ugh. But, it's nice to see the gang all back together, having fun.

Whoa... Ryan just gave the Davids Ford Hybrids. Sweet.

Now the ladies, all dressed in vampy red, sing "She Works Hard for the Money." Amanda looks like she'd rather be having a root canal. Ha. Yay! There's Carly sounding amazing as always.

Donna Summer is introduced to sing her new single. Please don't fall down the stairs, Donna. That would ruin the buzz of the night. The ladies are singing back up for Donna. Pretty cool. LOL... I can't get over Amanda's sour puss.

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